Versión español

ok scotiabank Terms and Conditions

Promotion is valid from January 1 to December 31, 2025.

1 Scotia en Línea requires prior sign up /activation.

2 The SPEI preferential price is MXN $5.00 pesos per event and only applies to the chequing account of the Crecimiento PyME Cima Package, i.e., the Cuenta Unica Cima PM account.

3 Only includes one e-Statement per month; there will be a charge for additional e-Statements.

4 The Business Debit Card can be acquired when signing up for the Business Debit product; the cost per sign-up is $300 + VAT and have an annual fee of $300 + VAT. Product protected by IPAB, up to 400,000 UDIS (Investment Units). Visit:

5 Cuenta Unica Cima Persona Moral account, Cuenta Unica en Dólares Persona Moral account and are products protected by IPAB, up to 400,000 UDIS (Investment Units). Visit:

6 ScotiaRED requires prior sign-up.

* To receive the benefits, it is necessary to sign up for at least the Crecimiento PyME Cima Package, Cuenta Unica en Dólares Persona Moral account, and ScotiaRED.

** To waive the monthly fee for the SMB package, you must maintain an average monthly balance in your Cuenta Unica en Dólares Persona Moral account equal to or greater than USD 50,000.00. The corresponding bonus will be paid 10 business days after collection and will be reflected in your account statement as “BONIF COBRO DE COMISION” [FEE PAYMENT BONUS].

ScotiaRED and Foreign Exchange Rate Hedging require prior sign-up.

Products and services offered by Scotiabank Inverlat S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Scotiabank Inverlat. For further information on terms, conditions, fees and sign-up requirements, visit

ícono cuenta en dólares ícono cuenta en dólares
As a foreign SMB setting up operations in Mexico, or as a Mexican SMB that is part of the production chain of foreign companies established in Mexico, Scotiabank SMB offers you a set of products and services with preferential conditions and great benefits.

When you sign up for Nearshoring SMB Solutions, you receive the following benefits*:
  • Unlimited SPIDs with preferred pricing of USD 3.00
  • Preferred foreign currency buy/sell exchange rate
  • USD chequing account with no account maintenance fees

In addition, you can waive the monthly cost of your PyME Crecimiento CIMA package by keeping a monthly average balance in your USD chequing account5 equal to or more than USD 50,000.00**

Understanding the products

Understanding the products

  • ícono paquete pyme

    Crecimiento PyME Cima package
  • ícono cuenta en dólares

    USD Cuenta Unica account5
  • ícono scotiaRED

  • ícono cobertura de divisas

    Foreign currency hedging

Crecimiento PyME Cima package

It is a comprehensive offering of products and services that simplifies the management of your funds and optimizes your company's finances.

  • Mexican Pesos chequing account5 with no minimum balance requirement, no account maintenance fee, and no annual fee
  • Scotia en Línea1 our Online Banking with transactions included free of charge
  • SPEIs with preferred rate2
  • Payroll distribution for your employees
  • Referenced Deposit Collection to identify your customers’ payments
  • e-Statement3 for facilitating the reconciliation of your transactions
  • Business Debit Card4 to manage your company’s funds safely and easily

The CreCIMIENTO PyME Cima package gives you the flexibility that you need to grow your financial potential.

USD Cuenta Unica account5

USD Cuenta Unica5 is a product available for legal entities in U.S. Dollars, in the form of a current account with a chequebook, with national coverage through our branches and Internet Banking.

  • Interest. Offers you security, liquidity, and immediate availability
  • Facility. Means of access for easy operation using chequebooks or in-branch nationwide
  • Convenience. Aimed at legal entities domiciled anywhere in the country


ScotiaRED6 is an online platform for currency trading where Scotiabank customers that are individuals with a business activity and legal entities can perform FX transactions securely, quickly, and easily, trading directly in the foreign currency market.

  • Access to our ScotiaRED6 platform. Allows you to perform foreign currency buy-sell transactions from your home or office
  • Preferential pricing. On the world's top 10 currencies.
  • Extensive quotes. Value date, same day, 24 hours and 48 hours
  • Personalized support and advice. Provided by the foreign currency buy and sell team
  • Secure online environment. To create a superior trading experience.

Foreign currency hedging

Our Foreign Currency Hedging guarantees the exchange rate for your future transactions. Our specialists will help you find the ideal solution for your business.

  • Mitigate foreign exchange risks and exposures in your business
  • Protect your exchange rate transactions and avoid future losses
  • Personalized attention from our Foreign Exchange Team
  • Preferential pricing
Sucursal de Banco Scotiabank

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